I think the Mayflower Brewing Company, founded way back in 2007, shows a lot of potential upside. I recently picked up a six pack of their Pale Ale. I was tempted to grab the IPA, but it's still summer, and I'm trying to stick with lighter tastes for the time being.
"Pale Ale" seem to mean a lot of things to a lot of people. Sometimes pale ale is very pale, and similar to a lager. Other times, as with Anchor's Liberty Ale, pale ales are more hoppy and/or full-bodied, and more like an IPA.
Mayflower Pale Ale sits firmly in the latter category. Medium body and color, hoppy aroma and taste, with a hint of citrus, and a slightly bitter finish. Almost like an IPA junior (I almost said "light".)
I like this beer, and this brewery. Buy local, right?